The 8 Core Documents of S.L.A.A.
If you visit the F.W.S. Website you will find that there are now 14 translations of the 8 Core Documents of S.L.A.A. on the home page. The 8 Core Documents–which can be found under the “Group and Member Resources” tab–provide a foundation for the S.L.A.A. program and give the basic information to recover from sex and love addiction and/or start an S.L.A.A. meeting in any language. The English versions of The 8 Core Documents in order of priority for translation and beginning the program of recovery are available by clicking on your mouse button on the following links:
- The Twelve Steps of SLAA
- Twelve Traditions
- S.L.A.A. Preamble
- Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction
- 40 Questions for Self-Diagnosis
- Signs of Recovery
- Recommended Guidelines for Dealing with the Media
- The 12 Concepts for World Service of S.L.A.A.
You can either find appropriate copyright notice and disclaimers for the literature in the materials themselves or on the F.W.S. site. These pages can be printed and used by any member, meeting, group or intergroup without permission.
The Four Free Pamphlets of S.L.A.A.
There are also four free pamphlets that may be copied, printed or downloaded directly from the F.W.S. Website without the need for authorization. These are:
1. Addicted to Sex? Addicted to Love? Information About S.L.A.A. for You or Someone You Know
2. For the Professional: Information about S.L.A.A.
3. 12 Recommended Guidelines for Dealing with the Media
4. Supporting S.L.A.A. the 60/40 Way
Each pamphlet recommends copying and distributing freely because these pamphlets are frequently used in outreach and public information efforts. The documents can also be translated without the need for authorization or need to confirm accuracy of
translation. The office is in the process of preparing a disclaimer for these documents that if any member has a question about the translation of the four free pamphlets that the F.W.S. Office or Conference Translation Committee (CTC) may be contacted. Again, republication of more than 300 words of the four free pamphlets not directly associated the with outreach
and recovery activities of a member, meeting, group or intergroup requires written permission. The request is reviewed by the board subcommittee, Copyright-Translations Subcommittee (CTS), of the Board Finance and Operating Committee.
Other Pamphlets Available to Order (sample selection)
- An Introduction to SLAA
- Suggestions for Newcomers
- Questions Beginners Ask
- Withdrawal: Gateway to Freedom, Hope and Joy
- Sexual and Emotional Anorexia
- Renewal of Sobriety